Dataverse Community Norms

CC BY 4.0 and CC0 License for Datasets

By default, all datasets added to the research data repository of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, hereafter known as Dados.IPB (platform, repository), are licensed under the Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) ( This license allows you to use, share and adapt the data downloaded from Dados.IPB, with due credit to the author. In addition, the Public Domain license CC0, recommended by the Dataverse Community (version 4.0 and following), can be used, given the recognition and acceptance of this license in the scientific community, thus becoming a consensual option for data (which, in general, does not apply to copyright), being used in repositories, as well as in scientific journals, which require the deposit of open data. For more information about the CC0 License, please visit the Creative Commons website ( In any case, data depositors can choose not to use the CC BY 4.0 or CC0 license for their datasets if necessary. The Dataverse Community requests that all users who download datasets from Dataverse platforms, follow the following Community Standards. Whenever users do not want to use the CC BY 4.0 or CC0 license for their datasets, they should specify which license should apply.

Crediting any research used with data citations

Any created materials (books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports, and other such publications) that employ, reference, or otherwise use the data (in whole or in part) gathered from deposited datasets should credit the source with the applicable data citation generated by the Dados.IPB (found on the dataset page). These citations include the data authors, data identifier, and other information in accordance with the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles ( for all research data. To find out more, visit our Data Citation Best Practices guide (soon to be made available).

Maintaining the anonymity of human subjects

Users of the Service should not abuse the available data that relate to human subjects and use the materials to:

  1. obtain information that could directly or indirectly identify any research subjects, or obtain information to attempt to directly or indirectly identify any research subjects;
  2. produce and/or publish connections among datasets that could identify individuals or organizations; or
  3. obtain (additional) information about or (additional) means of contact for already-identified subjects.
* Disclaimer: these Community Guidelines do not replace the CC0 licences or custom licences applicable to each dataset. Please be advised that the Community Guidelines are not a binding contractual agreement, and that downloading datasets from a Dataverse repository does not create a legal obligation to follow these policies.

Third-Party API Applications

If you are interested in building an API - Application Programming Interface - (exclusively or not) to allow and provide access to the Dados.IPB of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, its materials and services, please keep in mind that such applications:

  1. must ensure that all users of the application read and agree to the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Dados.IPB API Terms of Use (to be made available soon) and the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Dados.IPB General Terms of Use;
  2. must publish both the Dados.IPB API Terms of Use and the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Dados.IPB General Terms of Use in an adequately noticeable and conveniently-accessible location for all users of the application;
  3. must acknowledge and agree that the Dados.IPB is not otherwise affiliated with any third-party Dataverse Project API applications that provide access to the Dados.IPB, and therefore will not be held responsible or liable (in whole or in part) for any suits or damages incurred by the third-party Dataverse Project API application owners, administrators, and affiliates; and
  4. must publish its non-affiliation status to third parties in relation to Dados.IPB in its application, declining any special relationship with it, outside of the obligations arising from the present Terms of Use and the contracts of the General Terms of Use of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Dados.IPB.